Good Permutations |codechef|starter 82|all Test Case Pass - Hindimeinjaankari

Good Permutations |codechef|starter 82|all test case pass


You are given two arrays �A and �B, each of size �N.

Let �P denote a permutation length �N. The permutation �P is said to be good, if you can make an array �C where:

  • ��=��+���Ci​=Ai​+BPi​​ or ��=��−���Ci​=Ai​−BPi​​, for all (1≤�≤�)(1≤iN);
  • All elements of �C are equal.

Out of the �!N! possible permutations, find the count of good permutations.
Since the count can be huge, output it modulo 109+7109+7.

Note that a permutation of length �N consists of all integers from 11 to �N exactly once.

Input Format

  • The first line of input will contain a single integer �T, denoting the number of test cases.
  • Each test case consists of multiple lines of input.
    • The first line of each test case consists of a single integer �N – the size of arrays.
    • The second line of each test case consists of �N space-separated integers �1,�2,…,��A1​,A2​,…,AN​, the elements of array A.
    • The third line of each test case consists of N space-separated integers �1,�2,…,��B1​,B2​,…,BN​, the elements of array B.

Output Format

For each test case, output on a new line, the count of good permutations, modulo 109+7109+7.


  • 1≤�≤1051≤T≤105
  • 1≤�≤1051≤N≤105
  • −109≤��≤109−109≤Ai​≤109
  • −109≤��≤109−109≤Bi​≤109
  • The sum of �N over all test cases won’t exceed 2⋅1052⋅105.

Sample 1:



10 5 2
-7 -4 -1
6 7 8
-6 5 7
2 6 5 5 5 4
7 -5 4 -4 -4 -3
2 2 2 2
3 3 -3 -3


Test case 11: The only good permutation is [3,2,1][3,2,1]. We construct �C as following:

  • �1=�1+��1=�1+�3=10−1=9C1​=A1​+BP1​​=A1​+B3​=10−1=9;
  • �2=�2−��2=�2−�2=5−(−4)=9C2​=A2​−BP2​​=A2​−B2​=5−(−4)=9;
  • �3=�3−��3=�3−�1=2−(−7)=9C3​=A3​−BP3​​=A3​−B1​=2−(−7)=9.

Here all elements of array �C are equal. It can be shown that for all other permutations, it is impossible to create such an array �C. Thus, the count of good permutations is 11.

Test case 22: The good permutations are [2,1,3],[3,2,1][2,1,3],[3,2,1]. We construct �C as following using [2,1,3][2,1,3]:

  • �1=�1−��1=�1−�2=6−5=1C1​=A1​−BP1​​=A1​−B2​=6−5=1;
  • �2=�2+��2=�2+�1=7+(−6)=1C2​=A2​+BP2​​=A2​+B1​=7+(−6)=1;
  • �3=�3−��3=�3−�3=8−7=1C3​=A3​−BP3​​=A3​−B3​=8−7=1.

Here all elements of array �C are equal. It can be shown that for [3,2,1][3,2,1], it is possible to create such an array �C. Thus, the count of good permutations is 22.

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