Tree Game | Codechef | Starter 82 - Hindimeinjaankari

Tree Game | codechef | starter 82


There are �N cities numbered from 11 to �N, connected by (�−1)(N−1) roads such that every city is reachable from every other city (they form a tree structure). The ��ℎith city has a population ��Pi​.

Alice and Bob are initially standing at cities �A and �B respectively. They decide to play a game, such that, at every turn:

  • First, Alice makes a move by moving to some adjacent city unvisited by her (maybe visited by Bob).
  • Then, Bob moves to some adjacent city unvisited by him (maybe visited by Alice). Note that two cities are adjacent, if they are connected directly by a road.

Now, if the total population in Alice’s path from �A to her current city is strictly greater than that of Bob’s path from �B to his current city, Alice is awarded a point.
If both of them can make their next move the game continues, otherwise the game immediately ends.

Alice wants to maximise her score and Bob wants to minimise Alice’s score. Find the final score of Alice if both play optimally.

Input Format

  • The first line of input will contain a single integer �T, denoting the number of test cases.
  • Each test case consists of multiple lines of input.
    • The first line of input contains three space-separated integers �N, �A, and �B — the number of cities, the initial cities in which Alice and Bob are standing.
    • The second line of input contains �N space-separated integers �1,�2,…,��P1​,P2​,…,PN​ , where ��Pi​ is the population of ��ℎith city.
    • Each of the next �−1N−1 lines contains two space-separated integers ��ui​ and ��vi​, defining that there is a road between city ��ui​ and ��vi​.

Output Format

For each test case, print a single line, containing one integer, Alice’s final score if both the players play optimally.


  • 1≤�≤10001≤T≤1000
  • 1≤�≤50001≤N≤5000
  • 1≤�,�≤�1≤A,BN
  • 1≤��≤1091≤Pi​≤109
  • 1≤��,��≤�1≤ui​,vi​≤N
  • ��≠��ui​=vi​ for each 1≤�≤�1≤iN.
  • The sum of �N over all test cases won’t exceed 50005000.

Sample 1:



6 2 4
4 1 5 2 2 3
1 2
3 2
4 2
6 4
4 5
2 1 1
2 3
1 2
2 2 1
1 2
1 2


Test case 11: Let the total population covered by Alice is �X and by Bob be �Y.

  • Initially, Alice is at city 22 and Bob is at city 44, so �=�2=1X=P2​=1 and �=�4=2Y=P4​=2. Since �≤�XY, Alice does not get any point.
  • Now, Alice moves to city 33 and Bob moves to city 66, hence �=�+�3=1+5=6X=X+P3​=1+5=6 and �=�+�6=2+3=5Y=Y+P6​=2+3=5. Since �>�X>Y, Alice gets a point.
  • After this, neither Alice nor Bob has a possible move.

Thus, the final score of Alice is 11.

Test case 22: Initially both of them are standing at the city 11 and then move to the city 22. Thus, both of them cover the same population at each time. Hence, Alice does not get any points.

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